On 19 April 2021, TSMP Law Corporation head of employment and labour Ian Lim was quoted in an article published by The Straits Times on the need to provide “gig workers” more employment support, e.g. minimum benefits and protections.
He commented that for one thing, a key difference between employment laws in both countries is that Britain has a category of working people called “workers”. They are in between “self-employed” and “employees” and are not entitled to things like protection against unfair dismissal and statutory redundancy pay, which employees are.
He also noted that the British court decision may not address other important segments of the gig economy like food delivery riders.
For instance, Uber’s move in Britain left out Uber Eats riders.
“Singapore lawmakers and regulators may therefore need to be the ones finding a way to provide gig workers as a whole with minimum benefits and safety nets,” he said.
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