18 November 2019
Stefanie Yuen Thio comments in BT: “Regulators to beef up policing of corporate and governance breaches”
Features Stefanie Yuen Thio
TSMP Law Corporation Joint Managing Partner and Head of Corporate Stefanie Yuen Thio was quoted in a Business Times story published on 18 November 2019 on the proposed joint forum to review accounting, disclosure issues, as well as the bolstering of co-ordination among bodies such as MAS, ACRA, CAD, SGX RegCo.
Using the SWAT team analogy, she said: “I think we need one coordinated regulatory arm that has the ability to move quickly, has access to relevant information and has a sufficient arsenal of enforcement tools to address emergency situations.”
She proposed a better armed regulatory division comprising key agencies so that swifter action can be taken when mismanagement is suspected, to protect and preserve shareholder value.
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10 February 2025
Stefanie Yuen Thio quoted by Poh Lay Hoon in Lianhe Zaobao: “律师实习期延长至一年 大律所提高津贴小律所难跟进”