June Ho
LL.B. (Hons) (NUS)
“Donʼt just complain about whatʼs wrong – do something to make it right.”
If June had her way, the less said about her, the better: for this pocket rocket is all about rolling up her sleeves and getting stuff done – stat! Whether she’s on the track, racing her German sports car to clinch the title of “Top Gun”. Or in the boardroom, where she has cut billion-dollar deal for her global clients, driven by the pace, competition and learning experience in every transaction.
June’s work has a strong multi-jurisdictional bent, thanks to her considerable experience at some of the biggest international firms before she joined TSMP. Her practice is extensive, centering on banking & finance, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions, and funds and investments. She is qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales, and was called to the Singapore Bar in 2001.
There’s really only one thing for which June slows down. As head of TSMP’s community services, she plans and runs the firm’s twice-yearly Handprint outreach programme, targeting at-risk children and youths, transient workers and the elderly. Outside of the firm, she volunteers as a legal adviser to Make-A-Wish Foundation Singapore, a charity aimed at fulfilling the wishes of terminally ill children.

Chambers Asia-Pacific, 2024
"June is an amazing lawyer. Her technical skills are excellent and, combined with a commercial understanding and awareness, really make her stand out."
IFLR1000, 2022/23
"June is a pleasure to work with in all respects."
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, 2022
“We have worked together with June Ho on several international financings during the last year, and find her to be very responsive, excellent quality of work, pragmatic and pleasant to work with.”
IFLR1000, 2022
"Responsiveness; understands and advances clients' objectives in negotiations on legal documents."
IFLR1000, 2022
“June is creative and flexible in finding solutions to the issues that we encountered during the structuring and sale of our structured finance product. She provided timely advice on tight deadlines.”
IFLR1000, 2022
“June is very experienced and was extremely helpful in providing advice and helping with negotiations. She came up with creative solutions to problems we encountered and was always very responsive. Moreover, June is a good person to work with.”
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, 2021
June Ho has a wealth of knowledge and experience, offers sound guidance and advice, and is well versed in negotiations."
The Legal 500 Asia Pacific, 2019
“Efficient negotiator with local expertise."
Notable Briefs
S$115 million Senior Secured Flipper Term Loan and Revolving Credit Facility between United Overseas Bank Limited as lender and mm2 Asia Limited as borrower. mm2 Asia Ltd is a leading producer of films and TV/online content in Asia and is listed on the Singapore Exchange. The facility was used to refinance existing indebtedness of the mm2 Asia group and to finance the working capital.
Advised Freshfields, who represented Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF) as guarantor in CJ Logistics Asia Pte. Ltd.’s inaugural S$70 million Singapore Dollar denominated, unsubordinated and, guaranteed bonds offering, which is listed on the SGX-ST.
Acted as Singapore counsel to Australian logistics developer LOGOS Group's fourth China logistics venture of US$800 million with the support of investors including Ivanhoe Cambridge and Bowinvest.
Restructuring of various bank and debt facilities of BW Offshore Limited group of companies and Solstad Offshore ASA group of companies worth US$2.4 billion and US$1 billion respectively.
US$900 million restructuring of the Oro Negro US$725 million secured bond financing and the Oro Negro US$175 million secured bond financing that resulted in the issuance of new bonds with a total outstanding principal amount of US$939 million in relation to the financing of Oro Negro’s five rigs.
Sale of all the shares in Hattha Kaksekar Limited (a leading microfinance institution in Cambodia) to Krungsri (Bank of Ayudya PLC, a member of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group) that won the Client Choice Awards 2017 (exclusive M&A winner).
US$162 million sale of business division by Camillo Eitzen & Co. ASA in a major restructuring in Norway.
June Ho in the News
10 September 2023
June Ho and Ian Lim’s Forefront article was picked up by The Business Times: Of Extraordinary Attorneys and Rain Men
29 September 2021
June Ho quoted in BT: “Market perks up for investment-grade Singapore-dollar perpetual bonds”
22 May 2021
June Ho quoted in BT: “Cask strength: Is rare whisky liquid gold or an evaporating asset?”
Penned by June Ho

6 February 2025
Hitting The Headlines?
By Thio Shen Yi, SC, Ong Pei Ching, June Ho, Ian Lim, Mark A. Jacobsen, Kelvin Koh, Melvin Chan, Nanthini Vijayakumar

7 February 2024
My Wishlist For 2024
By Thio Shen Yi, SC, Stefanie Yuen Thio, Ong Pei Ching, June Ho, Ian Lim, Jennifer Chia, Felicia Tan, Mark A. Jacobsen, Derek Loh, Melvin Chan

4 January 2021
2021: In Which We Rise From the Ashes of the Pandemic
By Thio Shen Yi, SC, Stefanie Yuen Thio, Ong Pei Ching, June Ho, Jennifer Chia, Kelvin Koh, Derek Loh, Melvin Chan, Adrian Tan

7 January 2020
Reading the Tea Leaves for 2020
By Thio Shen Yi, SC, Stefanie Yuen Thio, Ong Pei Ching, June Ho, Ian Lim, Jennifer Chia, Kelvin Koh, Derek Loh, Chee Chin Wi, Kishan Pillay