19 August 2024
Kim Mijung appointed by the Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea as an advisory committee member of the International Legal Affairs Support Group for Overseas Expansion Companies
Features Kim Mijung
We are proud to announce that our Director and Head of Korea Desk, Mijung Kim, a qualified Korean lawyer, has been appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea as an advisory committee member of the “International Legal Affairs Support Group for Overseas Expansion Companies”.
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea operates the International Legal Support Group, composed of professionals such as lawyers, foreign legal consultants, and patent attorneys, to provide legal advisory support to small and medium-sized Korean enterprises expanding overseas with particular interests in international transactions, investments, intellectual property rights, and disputes.
Mijung’s appointment is a recognition by the South Korean government of her outstanding expertise in matters related to Singapore, a hub of international arbitration and mediation, as well as ASEAN. It also underscores Mijung’s tireless work at TSMP, leading one of the foremost Korea Desks in connecting Korean businesses to Singapore and Southeast Asia.
Our warmest congratulations to Mijung!
TSMP의 Korea Desk 의 대표인 김미정 변호사(사법연수원 40기)가 지난 2024년 8월 대한민국 법무부의 “해외진출기업 국제법무지원단”의 법률자문위원으로 위촉되었습니다.
대한민국 법무부는 해외로 진출하는 중소/중견 한국 기업들의 국제거래, 해외투자, 국제지식재산권, 국제분쟁 등과 같은 법률자문 제공을 지원하기 위해 변호사, 외국법자문사, 변리사 등 전문가들로 구성된 국제법무지원단을 운영하고 있습니다. 김미정 변호사는 국제 중재 및 조정의 허브이자 아세안의 중심인 싱가포르에서 코리아데스크를 총괄하면서, 한국기업들이 싱가포르 및 동남아시아 시장 진출 시 법률자문을 통해 지원하는 등 그 탁월한 전문성을 인정받아 본 자문위원에 위촉되었습니다.
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